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Hotel Carillon

Hotel Carillon is a Family Hotel. A family hotel but also an hotel belonging to a family, the Racchelli family.

Giuseppe Racchelli was the founder. He began his career as a Chef in Italy and abroad. Then he met his love, Cleope and together they decided to start their own business. In 1948, immediately after the end of the war, in Feriolo, they opened the Serenella Restaurant, still today renowned restaurant of the Lake, their first home.

Meanwhile, the family grew. Two pairs of twins were born, Patrizia and Walter in 1946 and Daniela and Silvio in 1953.

The family grew together with the demand of the increasing number of tourists who wished to visit our lake.

Joseph and Cleope wanted to expand their business and so they began building the Hotel, which opened in 1955.

Over the years, the hotel has been renovated and expanded to meet the growing needs of guests, and the management has remained in the family, until today, with Daniela and Carlotta.

The paintings made by the owner remain on the walls and guests can admire them in the lobby and in the rooms.